Wednesday 22 April 2020

Risk Assessment

Travelling and Filming a Music Video

                    ASSESSED BY






My actors and I.                
                     APPROVED BY



potential for harm


reducing the risk level to an acceptable level

Un even cobbles when walking the streets of London.
When filming or being filmed being aware of the surroundings constantly is essential.
Traffic is constant and rapid which puts us at risk at potentially being harmed, when near the road no filming should be allowed.
Equipment being stolen.
When filming in dark and derelict settings there is minimal civilisation and lighting which increases the risk. Staying and filming in groups is required.
Whilst raining, electrocuted by the filming and lighting equipment.
Light rain led us to waiting for the rain to stop to prevent the equipment becoming damaged or dangerous.

Personal Protective Equipment Needed

Provided By


Level of First Aid provision needed


First Aiders


Nearest 24 hour Hospital and/or Doctor

Broomfield A&E

Emergency Telephone Number
999 or 01245 265821


This is a student non-profit production. Footage will only be used for examiner and moderation purposes. 
Great Baddow High School, Duffield Road, CM2 9RZ 01245 265821
Any queries please contact Miss Brookes by phone or

Friday 4 October 2019

Statement of Intent

Statement of Intent

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and meet the requirements of your chosen brief?

I intend to create a performance pop music video featuring the artist as the primary character, as I plan to use various aspects of media language to create this throughout. Such as, scenic locations, glamorous outfits and makeup etc.  The concept of the video is that is revolves around the artist walking around the streets of London, in quirky yet scenic locations such as Kensington, Shore-ditch, Covent Garden etc. As well as this, the artist will also be performing in studio settings with random objects surrounding her, such as a bath with plastic balls, giant teddy bear and graffiti wall etc. My music video will fit into the genre of Pop as I will be using the typical conventions, such as it being a performance, being heavily made up, wearing eccentric costumes etc. All of which will be included. This is represented in existing music videos such as Ariana Grande’s 7 Rings (setting, costume), Dua Lipa, New Rules (good lighting). The use of the exquisite settings and a glamorous appearance highlights the artist as being a celebrity or a ‘pop star’, which would attract the 16-24-year-old target audience, who idealise over celebrities who are presented in this way. For example, Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus and Rihanna all have a worldwide fan base. The video itself will include both fast and long tracking shots, to keep my audience enticed throughout. Lighting will be natural and bright throughout as most of the shots will be outside, giving a more naturalistic feel but there will be some shots in a studio with artificial lighting. My music video will therefore fit into the core values of Sony, as it will focus on current themes prominent today, like diversity and creativity. Representing different ethnicities will be evident in my production, highlighting the cultural diversity which, again mirrors Sony’s values. In order to attract my target audience, the song could be played on the radio, in your room, on television, which fits the audience’s interests.  My music video will spread the message of creativity, girl power and freedom within the music industry, which is appropriate for my audience and genre. Intertextuality will be shown by the use of a white background with the artist in front playing with different children toys such as a teddy bear and plastic letters, this is similar to Jessie J's 'Price Tag' video which I took inspiration from as it is uses typical 'Pop' conventions. The use of a giant teddy bear is another intertextual reference from Miley Cyrus' 'We Can't Stop' music video. 


My website will reflect the artist’s persona as well as Sony as a company by using conventions directly from their existing artist websites. My website will be simple and clearly visible as to which icon leads to. It will be split across several pages such as Home; Merch; About; Videos; Gallery ;Events.  It will advertise new music, videos, merchandise etc. to engage the audience with the current information about the artist. My website will reflect my song 'The Weekend', giving a fun and happy feel to it, incorporating images from my music video featuring on the front page, so my audience know they are on the right page. It will reflect Sony as i will use the same conventions as existing  pop artists websites, such as BeyoncĂ©  and Calvin Harris, who's website consists heavily promoting their new album and /or song. My website will also advertise the artists tour dates and merchandise consistently, to improve the finacial gain for the artist and Sony.